- History of BMI Canada Ltd. and PROCAN: Their Role in Canadian Music and in the Formation of SOCAN (1940-1990), by Jan V. Matejcek (rev. ed., 1996)
SOCAN is the performing rights organization formed in 1990 through the merger of two previous organizations, CAPAC and PRO Canada. The latter was the successor to BMI Canada. Jan Matajcek joined the administration of CAPAC in 1971, and in 1977 moved to PRO Canada. He was instrumental in establishing SOCAN and was its first Chief Executive Officer until his retirement in 1992. (ISBN 0-9680776-0-9) $15
- Louise Bail Milot. Jean Papineau-Couture; La vie, la carriers et l’ocuvre. Quebec: Hurtubise, 1986
- Timothy McGee, ed. Taking a Stand: Essays in Honour of John Beckwith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995
- Prima Donna on a Moose: Canadian Popular Songs. Mary Lou Fallis, soprano. Opening Day Recordings, 1997
- Robin Elliott and Gordon Smith, eds. Istvan Anhalt: Pathways and Memory. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001